How to Make a Face Mask At Home - 3 Recipes You Need to Try

There is no need to pay big bucks for a store bought face mask when you can make your own with some common ingredients that you probably already have at home.

Face masks can be great for cleaning out your pores as well as moisturizing and nourishing your skin. They can even help you get a more youthful appearance and help with blemishes that you may have on your skin as well.

Here are 3 easy homemade face masks that I have used that I would recommend for any woman.

Oatmeal and Yogurt Face Mask

This is a very simple face mask that is great for cleansing your skin and helping to clean out your pores. I would recommend this one for all skin types.


  • 1 tbsp. fine ground oatmeal 
  • 1 tbsp. of organic yogurt (unflavored)
  • a drop of warmed honey (optional)
Mix all of the ingredients and apply the face mask all over your face. Leave the mask on for approximately 10 minutes and then use a washcloth and lukewarm water to rinse it off. 

Easy Egg Face Mask

If you want something really easy and cheap and best of all probably something that is sitting right in your kitchen already, try this egg face mask. This mask helps to moisturize your skin as well as gives a soothing touch as well.

If you have oily, skin you may want to consider only using the egg whites but if you have normal or dry skin, you can use the entire egg.

  • Raw egg
  • Honey, warmed  or lemon juice (optional)
Beat the egg along with the honey or lemon juice until it appears that it is properly mixed. Apply the egg mixture to your face and leave on for approximately 10-15 minutes. Use warm water and a washcloth to clean the mask off your face. 

Yogurt Facial Mask

This face mask has a variety of different things it can help from sunburn to helping to moisturize your face as well as cleanse it. Plus, it does make your face feel pretty fresh and clean afterwards.

  • 1 tbsp. organic, natural yogurt (unflavored)
  • 1 tsp. honey, warmed and runny
Combine the yogurt with the honey until it is well mixed together. Apply the mask to your face and allow it to sit for at least 10-15 minutes. Then use warm water and a washcloth to remove the mask.

These face mask are a great way to save you money on your beauty regimen as well as use all natural products that don't have added chemicals to get fresh, moisturized, clean skin.

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