5 Quick Tips for Looking Slimmer in Photos

How many times have you been tagged in a photo on Facebook and you just want to scream because of the way you look.

I know that I have been caught unprepared or not looking my best for some photos so I decided to find the best way to take pictures so you don't have to worry about "untagging" yourself when your friend posts some pics of you.

These tips work for just about any photos and are great tips if you plan on taking professional family pictures or even special pictures like wedding or engagement photos.

5 Tips for Looking Slimmer in Your Photos

Place Your Arm on Your Hip

This not only helps your arms to look thinner but also helps define a waist as well. Sometimes you may notice that you look like you are a simple straight up and down blob because you can't see a defined waist in the photo. By placing your hand on your hip you define the waist area which can definitely shed some pounds from your middle section.

Check Your Posture

When taking a picture it doesn't matter if you are sitting down or standing up, just make sure that you have your shoulders back and your back is as straight as can be. When you hunch over and your shoulders slouch forward it makes you look frumpy and when you put your shoulders back and have a straight spine you elongate your body, making yourself look much thinner.

Slightly Angle Your Body

Standing straight on shows you at your widest angle, while slightly twisting your body so that you aren't straight on but not completely to the side will make you appear much thinner. This can be done when standing or sitting to achieve the same effect.

Keep Your Chin Up

Get rid of any double chins in your photos by keeping your chin up and out. You can even slightly lift your chin upwards as long as you aren't completely sticking it up in the air. When you look down or have your chin facing downwards it can actually make a double chin appear that you don't actually have. Check out this site for more tips on avoiding a double chin in photos.

Try To Never Stand on the End

This is a tip when you are taking a group photo. Instead try to get in the middle and slightly angle your body towards the person next to you. They will help to cover up some of your body instead of it showing everything when you are on the end. Also you can always put a kneeling or sitting person in front of you or even a kid to help block some of your body, which can make you appear thinner as well.

What are some of your tricks for appearing thinner in your photographs?

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